Friday, September 20, 2013

Happy Mid-Autumn Festival

Working six days a week, I was looking forward to a four-day holiday weekend. My area has been drastically understaffed for the past two months so I've been teaching an extra ten to twenty hours a week, leaving not much time to do anything else but sleep. My morning class starts at 9:30am and I don't get home from grading my last class' homework until around 10pm, spending the off-the-clock hours doing paperwork, lesson planning, or preparing craft projects for my kindergarten class. With this ill-timed typhoon in the area, any plans for traveling or exploring have been rained out. Instead, I've been able to catch up on movie watching and studying Chinese while plumping up on the two boxes of moon cakes I received. Maybe I'll try to blog some more as well, or perambulate a museum or two. Mostly this note is here to somewhat explain why I haven't been posting.

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